Explore why you want to develop a meditation practice. Perhaps you have a medical condition or are experiencing some pain or discomfort. By learning to quiet the mind and focusing on self-healing, you can assist your body with healing and repairing itself. The body knows how to repair itself and reducing stress and visualizing or imagining your desired outcome can accelerate the process.
Meditation is not an instant cure, healing our perceptions of our physical and emotional conditions takes daily, regular, and consistent practice. How often do you find yourself thinking something negative about yourself? Such as I cannot do that, I am not good enough, I do not think I will ever, I should have, these are thoughts that run through our minds often.
Training the mind to quiet down and incorporate positive thoughts and emotions, offer many health benefits. Emotional Biochemistry is the chemicals within the body that are affected by the emotions we are experiencing. Some of the chemicals produced can be harmful and inhibit the healing process.
Dedicating daily as little as, 3, 5 or 15 minutes per day to quiet the mind through meditation, is a great way to start taking your health into your own hands and enhancing your wellbeing.